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한미동맹재단(KUSAF) 주관 한미동맹 컨퍼런스 갈라만찬(10.13.) 축사(영상)

2023-10-13 18:03:29

Congratulatory Remarks by H.E. Park Jin

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea

 October 13, 2023 

General 임호영,

General Curtis Scaparrotti,

General Vincent Brooks,

Ambassador Philip Goldberg,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish to thank the Korea-US Alliance Foundation and the Korea Defense Veterans Association for inviting me to speak at this meaningful event.

Let me also extend my warm greetings and appreciation to the Korean War veterans who fought under the UN Flag more than seven decades ago. 

I further wish to gratefully acknowledge all the former members of United States Forces Korea that are here with us this evening. 

The Korean War veterans were here when Korea was a war-torn and impoverished nation.

The former members of USFK have served here many decades ago, at a time when the country was in a vastly different place.

Today, the ROK is a thriving global economic powerhouse, a vibrant democracy, and a cultural soft power magnet.

The Republic of Korea is the seventh country in the world to possess both a per capita income above 30 thousand dollars and a population greater than 50 million people.

This would not have been possible without the valor, sacrifice and service of Korean War veterans, the men and women of USFK and the Korea-US Alliance. 

And for this, the Korean people are forever grateful.

And we thank your families and friends for being there for you, and for being here this evening.  

I would be remiss not to thank the many leaders – both former and current – of the ROK-US Combined Forces Command and US Forces Korea.

The CFC is at the heart of the Korea-US Alliance – one of history’s most successful alliances.

USFK epitomizes the unwavering U.S. commitment to the defense of the ROK.

The able stewardship of CFC and USFK leaders has been key to ensuring the robust defense posture that has successfully deterred North Korean aggression over the decades.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Korea-US Alliance, so we are having a platinum year celebration.  

When the Mutual Defense Treaty was signed in 1953, President Syngman Rhee – the architect of the Treaty - said the following prescient words:

“The Treaty will bring tremendous benefits across many generations and will enable us to enjoy prosperity.”

Indeed, I hope that through this visit, you are able to witness first hand the phenomenal transformation that Korea has been undergoing.

And I further hope you and your loved ones will take pride in the role that you have all played in making this possible.  

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

President Yoon Suk Yeol paid a historic state visit to the US in April to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Korea-US Alliance. 

The visit firmly put our partnership on track as a “Global Comprehensive Strategic Alliance.” 

Our Alliance is ‘global’ because our collaborative reach is no longer confined to the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia, but spans the Indo-Pacific and beyond, and even to outer space.

It is ‘comprehensive’ because the contours of our partnership cover not only military security, but also economic security, cutting-edge science and technology, as well as people-to-people exchanges. 

It is ‘strategic’ because we share a commitment to safeguarding the rules-based international order built on universal values.

Furthermore, the Washington Declaration and the establishment of a Nuclear Consultative Group are landmark achievements that emerged from President Yoon’s state visit. 

They significantly bolster ROK-US extended deterrence cooperation in the face of North Korea’s ever-growing nuclear and missile threats.

The Camp David trilateral summit in August also underscored how the partnership between Korea, the US and Japan has entered a new era. 

This trilateral cooperation will further enhance peace and stability not just on the Korean Peninsula, but also throughout the region. 

Indeed, at a time when the rules-based international order is being challenged by multiple crises, the international community is looking to countries like Korea to do more to step up to its defense and overcome the crises. 

Under the Yoon Suk Yeol government, Korea is determined to step up by becoming a Global Pivotal State – or GPS in short.

Guided by this GPS foreign policy vision, Korea is expanding its contributions to freedom, peace, and prosperity around the world in a manner commensurate with its enhanced national strength and stature. 

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Reinforced by the GPS vision, the ROK-US Alliance is moving forward toward the next 70 years.

But the next 70 years of success will not come automatically and without effort.

It will require careful management and cultivation as we navigate through the turbulence of changing times. 

The unwavering support from Korean War veterans and USFK members – both active and retired - their families and other friends of the Alliance, will be critically important.

In particular, the Korea-US Alliance Foundation and the Korea Defense Veterans Association have been instrumental in deepening the fabric of our Alliance.

On that note, I wish to close by expressing once again my profound gratitude to all those who have served so selflessly on behalf of freedom and peace on the Korean Peninsula. 

Thank you once again, 

and I wish you all a pleasant stay in Korea.