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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

US Representative Kinzinger to Visit the ROK


1. US Representative Adam Kinzinger, a second-term Republican from Illinois, will visit the Republic of Korea from August 3 through 6 at the invitation of the Foreign Ministry.

◦ The Representative, as an emerging newcomer to the US politics and member of the Korea Caucus, has expressed strong support for the ROK on a number of matters concerning the country.

* The visit will take place as part of the Congressional Member Exchange Program conducted by the ROK Foreign Ministry.

2. During his visit to the ROK, Representative Kinzinger will meet with a number of the ROK’s key government officials, including the Foreign Minister, Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs and the First Vice Chief of the presidential National Security Office, to exchange views on the ROK-US relations as well as the diplomatic and security situations in Northeast Asia.

◦ In particular, the Representative, as a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives, strongly supports the ROK-US nuclear cooperation. In this light, he will meet with the ROK’s head delegate to the negotiations on revising the ROK-US Nuclear Cooperation Agreement and the President of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) for in-depth discussions on the matter.

◦ He will also meet with leading Korean entrepreneurs at the dinner to be hosted by the Chairman & CEO of the Korea International Trade Association (KITA) and during his visits to major companies in the country. He will also meet with the Commander of the US Forces Korea and visit the demilitarized zone. On those occasions, he will meet with US troops stationed in the ROK to offer them words of encouragement and be briefed on the current security situation on the Korean Peninsula. 

                Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation