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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

Foreign Ministry Releases a Japanese-language Video Clip on Dokdo on the Internet


1. The Foreign Ministry, having produced a Japanese-language video clip demonstrating the objective grounds and the legitimacy of the territorial sovereignty of the Republic of Korea over Dokdo, released it on its Dokdo website and YouTube.

° The Dokdo video clip to be posted is in Japanese and has a running time of 4 minutes and 21 seconds.

2. In addition, the Foreign Ministry, as part of its project to reorganize its multilingual Dokdo website, created and opened today a Japanese-language website on Dokdo (dokdo.mofa.go.kr/jp).

3. The ROK government will continue dealing sternly and firmly with Japan's unjust territorial provocations over Dokdo and carrying out promotional activities to raise the international awareness on the legitimacy of the ROK's territorial sovereignty over Dokdo by creating similar video clips in many other languages.

                 Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

* unofficial translation