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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

MOFA Spokesperson’s Commentary on the Japanese Foreign Ministry’s Distribution of an English Version of a Video Containing Claims to Dokdo


1. After posting a video on October 16 containing its ungrounded sovereignty claims to Dokdo, which is an integral part of the ROK territory, the Japanese Foreign Ministry posted an English version of the video on its website again yesterday.

2. The government of the Republic of Korea strongly protests again Japan’s posting of the English version of the video despite the ROK government’s strong protest and demand for corrective action last week. The ROK government sternly demands that the Japanese government immediately remove the video clips from the website.

3. The ROK government reiterates that it will continue to firmly respond to any attempt by the Japanese government to undermine the sovereignty of the ROK over Dokdo. 

                   Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFA

*unofficial translation